Mixpanel vs Amplitude: Why we wouldn't choose Amplitude again

After creating and scaling products using both tools at previous startups, this guide reviews why at Bildung we recommend Mixpanel over Amplitude based on our own experiences.

Mixpanel vs amplitude

Three main advantages of Mixpanel over Amplitude:

1️⃣ Comparing Prices and Contract Fine Print:

At the beginning of 2023, Mixpanel decided to restructure its pricing and contract policy to make it transparent and customer-first. They made all prices available online to provide greater visibility to customers as their business grows. 

Amplitude, in addition to hiding its prices, also tends to have fine print in its contracts that is worth reviewing in detail before committing:

Mixpanel wordmark purple@2x
Price Transparency
✗ Only available by contacting sales. Therefore, they may have additional costs
✓ Prices available online for plans < 50k USD
Estimated Prices for Growth Plan 100MM Events / month
✗ $80,000 USD / year
✓ $47,400 USD / year
✗ Up to 50% more expensive!
✓ Cheaper in all tiers and plans
Annual Increase Clauses
Be careful! With this clause, Amplitude reserves the right to increase its prices the following year
✗ They usually have an 8% annual increase clause
✓ No clauses of this type
Payment Plans
✗ Only annual upfront payment
✓ In Growth plans monthly and in Enterprise allows up to quarterly
Cost for Excess Events from the Plan
✗ They charge up to 50% more than the unit cost of the current plan
✓ No multiplier for excess events, they charge the same unit cost
Duration of Payment Plans
✓ Annual with the option to sign multi-year
✓ Annual with the option to sign multi-year with discounts
Free Plan
✓ Up to 100k MTUs
✓ Up to 20MM events / month
Price Transparency
✗ Only available by contacting sales. Therefore, they may have additional costs
Estimated Prices for Growth Plan 100MM Events / month
✗ $80,000 USD / year
✗ Up to 50% more expensive!
Annual Increase Clauses
Be careful! With this clause, Amplitude reserves the right to increase its prices the following year
✗ They usually have an 8% annual increase clause
Payment Plans
✗ Only annual upfront payment
Cost for Excess Events from the Plan
✗ They charge up to 50% more than the unit cost of the current plan
Duration of Payment Plans
✓ Annual with the option to sign multi-year
Free Plan
✓ Up to 100k MTUs
Mixpanel wordmark purple@2x
Price Transparency
✓ Prices available online for plans < 50k USD
Estimated Prices for Growth Plan 100MM Events / month
✓ $47,400 USD / year
✓ Cheaper in all tiers and plans
Annual Increase Clauses
Be careful! With this clause, Amplitude reserves the right to increase its prices the following year
✓ No clauses of this type
Payment Plans
✓ In Growth plans monthly and in Enterprise allows up to quarterly
Cost for Excess Events from the Plan
✓ No multiplier for excess events, they charge the same unit cost
Duration of Payment Plans
✓ Annual with the option to sign multi-year with discounts
Free Plan
✓ Up to 20MM events / month

2️⃣ Mixpanel designed to be more intuitive and user-friendly

Everything that can be done in 11 charts of Amplitude can be done in Mixpanel with just 4 charts

  • Mixpanel answers your questions in fewer clicks

    Mixpanel condenses all its analytical power into just 4 charts, allowing you to answer questions easily and intuitively. 

    While in Amplitude, you have to navigate through +11 charts to answer the same questions, many of which may never be used.

  • Simple and clean interface helps improve adoption

    Using a platform with better UX where it is easier to find what we want to do and understand the analytics helps reduce frustration and thus contribute to greater usage and adoption.

  • Mixpanel vs amplitude chart
  • Amplitude example horrible ux
  • Mixpanel example simple ux

3️⃣ Mixpanel allows for deeper and more flexible analysis

The aggregate of small features that are not available in Amplitude allows Mixpanel to reach insights and actionable items that Amplitude does not.

Some examples are (although there are many more!):

Mixpanel wordmark purple@2x
Automatically export data to Google Sheet
✗ No plugin available
✓ Sync your Google Sheet with a plugin and you will be able to import or export data.
Custom Bucket sizes for Events grouped by properties
✗ Not possible
✓ For example, it is possible to graph sales over time grouped by revenue in buckets of 5 USD
Compare vs another segment
✗ Not possible
✓ It is possible to compare against a specific segment, for example each OS vs iOS as a base
Include events like Unique, other Events, and formulas in the same graph
✗ Only allows one type of metric at a time
✓ You can customize which metric to view for each event in the same graph
Breakdown of properties by another event
✗ Not possible
✓ For example, we can answer for users who performed event A, how many times did they perform Event B before?
Aggregated Properties Breakdown
✗ Not possible
✓ For example, for users who performed event A, what is the sum of the parameter quantity of event B they did before?
Automatically export data to Google Sheet
✗ No plugin available
Custom Bucket sizes for Events grouped by properties
✗ Not possible
Compare vs another segment
✗ Not possible
Include events like Unique, other Events, and formulas in the same graph
✗ Only allows one type of metric at a time
Breakdown of properties by another event
✗ Not possible
Aggregated Properties Breakdown
✗ Not possible
Mixpanel wordmark purple@2x
Automatically export data to Google Sheet
✓ Sync your Google Sheet with a plugin and you will be able to import or export data.
Custom Bucket sizes for Events grouped by properties
✓ For example, it is possible to graph sales over time grouped by revenue in buckets of 5 USD
Compare vs another segment
✓ It is possible to compare against a specific segment, for example each OS vs iOS as a base
Include events like Unique, other Events, and formulas in the same graph
✓ You can customize which metric to view for each event in the same graph
Breakdown of properties by another event
✓ For example, we can answer for users who performed event A, how many times did they perform Event B before?
Aggregated Properties Breakdown
✓ For example, for users who performed event A, what is the sum of the parameter quantity of event B they did before?

Contact us if you want to know more about Mixpanel:

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