Salesforce Implementation & Support expert advice for start ups, scale-ups, and enterprises.

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Unlock the full potential of Salesforce with Bildung Data

We are experienced Salesforce Experts team with more than 7 years of experience implementing Salesforce Sales + Salesforce Service in different industries, countries and regions worldwide with hands-on experience in customer goods and services industries.


  • Out of the box Quick Start

Basic settings that make any customer able to start using Salesforce Sales or Salesforce Service right after being purchased purchase

  • Custom Implementation.

Custom settings that makes possible to start using Salesforce CRM by making custom processes smooth in the CRM 


  • New processes implementations.

Process survey and implementation in the CRM.

  • Develop Custom integrations

Our dev team will make interaction with other systems possible.

  • On-going maintenance through best practices.

Customized improvement plan based on your needs after a deep analysis and understanding of you current CRM functionality. 


  • Salesforce Certified Administrator dedicated. (Pay by hour pack)

We know how many challenges you are managing simultaneously, sometimes Salesforce changes can be relegated due to other priorities. Don't let it happen, we can do it for you.

Certified on top Sales & Cloud Credentials

  • +7 years of expertise on hands-on projects
  • Serving Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru & Colombia
  • Lightning fast execution
  • Start up minded to move and iterate fast

Our 8 Steps for a successful Salesforce Integration Project

  • 1

    PHASE 1: Kick-off

    To begin your Salesforce to ERP integration project, Bildung Data will assist you in identifying the stakeholders and defining their roles. We'll guide you through important considerations:

    • Together, we will explore potential data flows between Salesforce and the ERP system.
    • We'll help you compare the data models of both systems to identify commonalities and differences.
    • We'll work with you to determine which fields each system leverages and their significance.
  • 2

    PHASE 2: Define Requirements

    In this phase, Bildung Data will begin by comprehensively understanding the existing Salesforce and ERP infrastructure (the "as is" state). We will then collaborate with you to assess the need for new platform elements. Our support includes:

    • Defining the precise scope and objectives of the integration project.
    • Analyzing the usage patterns of various fields in both systems to prioritize integration sequences.
    • Advising you on selecting integration tools or platforms with pre-built connectors to streamline development and reduce long-term maintenance costs.
  • 3

    PHASE 3: Design

    During the Design phase, Bildung Data will help you break the project into sprints and create detailed field-level physical data models. We will ensure a clear mapping of Salesforce fields to ERP fields and identify where new fields are necessary.

  • 4

    PHASE 4: Build

    In the Build phase, Bildung Data will assist you in making crucial decisions regarding developer allocation and integration workflow. We will explore the option of having different developers for each end or a single developer from start to finish. Our team will also recommend involving the IT operations team (DevOps model) to establish a seamless continuous integration/continuous deployment cycle.

  • 5

    PHASE 5: Test

    During the Test phase, Bildung Data will provide dedicated QA engineers to execute the test plan. We emphasize involving testers in earlier phases (Requirements, Design, and Build) for better familiarity with original requirements. We will also assist in user-acceptance testing where end users can provide feedback on the system.

  • 6

    PHASE 6: Train

    Before production deployment, Bildung Data will facilitate end-user training on using the integrated systems. We will ensure that your users understand how the new data flows and how to maximize efficiency with the integrated systems.

  • 7

    PHASE 7: Deployment/Production

    In the Deployment/Production phase, we will leverage continuous integration practices initiated during the Build phase. This ensures that the application is continually built and refined in a fully functional environment.

    • Our team will help you implement a robust deployment strategy and lifecycle management approach, especially in the Salesforce ecosystem.
  • 8

    PHASE 8: Support

    As you enter the Support phase, Bildung Data will provide operational support for monitoring the integration. Our experts will use advanced tools to analyze logs, address issues promptly, and incorporate changes seamlessly to prevent data loss. 

    We emphasize the importance of ongoing maintenance and support as integrations evolve.

Let's talk about how you can improve your Salesforce Implementation:

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